Why Yoga?

Keeping in mind the going trends of fitness, there are innumerable options available, to pursue fitness in any form. To me, fitness is holy and spiritual. Starting from increasing your mobility, flexibility, focus, strengthening, healing, and should bring about a balance mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Every form of exercise or workout brings about a change in the human body and mind, positively. Though, there’s one thing or the other missed out in all forms of fitness practice except YOGA.

The world does not approve of a theory which has never been analysed or demonstrated. Today’s world requires demonstrations and the science that fails to provide them is considered a fraud. Yoga is not the only exercise, it is a way of life, which tells us how to lead our life emphasizing on every little aspect of it from the human body, the external to the human spirit, the internal. Yoga, over the years, has been brought out in various forms with their modifications. Each form after modification is different, but with the same basic postures, some made difficult for advanced professionals, some made easy for householders, at the end of the day, it comes down to Yoga. Tried and tested, analysed and demonstrated, it’s a way of life, if followed, can heal and head up any human body. No matter what form of yoga you choose, the glory of its unfiltered source will always remain unaltered.

Fitness is not just physical wellbeing, but mental health as well. When we exercise, we focus only on the physical aspects, eventually, people end up being unhappy despite all the efforts, we have heard stories of life-threatening illnesses like cancer, tuberculosis etc., where a lady fought cancer with her positivity… It is the power of a healthy mental state that cures physical illnesses or shortcomings. In the fast running life of our generation today, stress is at its peak, more and more people, starting from students studying in school to senior citizens, irrespective of the age are suffering from stress-related conditions and illnesses…

Yoga not only focuses on the physical well-being of a human but also emphasises on the mental, moral, emotional and spiritual health. With yoga, one can achieve balance, and bring about awareness of self. It is the greatest form of self-realisation. You can go from you are to where you want to be following the basic theories and demonstrations of yoga. Yoga is an experiential science…the more you practice, the more benefits you get and the deeper you understand dive into what life is all about. The common misconception of yoga is, it is slow, it is only for older people, it is only asana and pranayama, but it is much deeper than one can think. It is for every one existing on the face of the earth.

So, Step on that mat! Go forth and experience the depth of life, experience the tranquil and let Yoga take you places without going anywhere….travel deep within, experience it all…. See you on the Mat!!!