Private: The Age old game of Hormones

Our Body functions 24×7. Most of these internal activities such as digestion, reproduction, the process of growth and development, wear and tear of the body and especially our mood swings are performed and affected by the glands in our body. And by Glands I mean the hormones produced by it that controls and regulates these activities. Some Hormones also multitask. These hormones are nothing but a chemical released in our body. The effect of Hormones on Both Men and Women is major.

Hormones are what differentiate a man from a woman. I’m going to emphasize on the sex hormones of men and women. Men and women both possess all the three hormones i.e. Testosterone, Estrogen and Progesterone. The domination of each of these hormones varies upon gender. The levels of Testosterone are high in men and low in women and vice versa. It is during the menses when the hormone levels drop drastically causing physical disturbances and mood swings in women.

All three have different functions to perform in both men and women. They affect them in both ways positive and negative. When the balance is disturbed in the levels around the menses and with age for both genders that’s when the negative side effects of hormones come into the picture. The most prominent one being the Mood swings.

For Starters, its important to find out which hormone is imbalanced by doing certain tests. Then either opt for medication or go the natural way, which is my way…is Yoga and Workouts. Being a yoga Instructor, ive come across a million issues and yoga addresses every hormonal problem as precaution to whats coming next. It works on the root of the problem. It directly works on proper functioning of the glands in the body like the pituitary or thyroid or adrenal glands or the testes or the ovaries etc. that release and distributes these hormones to the body.

Fitness and yoga exercises and activities that create a feeling of concentration and focus and balance in the body really help. Postures like the Rabbit pose, Janu Shirsana, Parvatasana, forward folds and twisting postures are extremely beneficial to bring about a balance in the hormones. Mudras like the Gyaan Mudra and Pranam Mudra beautifully bring about a change too…And breathing being the most important of them all…pranayamas like Anuloma Viloma (altyernate nostril breathing) Diaphragmatic Breathing etc..make a world of a difference in your state of mind and body.

Physical activities that suit your body like working out in a gym or going cycling or walking or any kind of cardio etc…can be helpful too.

Hormones are such chemicals that can change the game of your body right from positive into negative and vice versa just at the drop of a hat.